"Giving up smoking is easy. I ought to know, I've done it a thousand times." Every one of us has probably felt the same way when trying to kick the butt. The best efforts are quashed by that one last cigarette at a party, reaching out for it on a stressful day at work or just hanging out with friends. So why exactly is it so difficult to quit,even after reading wat's ont the pack!!
So i think all MACCHA's need to know the basic's of how smoking work's.Then we can calculate the milage of our life Just like we calculate the milage of a bike.(PJ!!adjust maadi).we all know how generally it work's but we don't know exactly where how the combustion work's.so i ll take ya to the combustion chamber of our body.
one needs to understand how nicotine(combustible material!!lol) behaves in the body. Some Dude's have researched on this topic(which mean's they had smoking zone(endda fuck).Nicotine's molecule shape is very similar to that of acetylcholine, a natural neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling muscle movements, breathing, heart rate, mood, appetite, memory, and most importantly, chemicals that stimulate the pleasure centres of the brain(u can read again!!no issues.i no u dint understand). Instead, nicotine begins to stimulate the brain to release large doses of dopamine, the hormone responsible for a happy feeling(khushi).
A smoker get's the KICK needed and the addictive damage is done(ur milage decreases).
Y?? do people smoke??.I have heard big JACKASSES saying "when people r stressed they smoke".I would just show middle finger n say "F*** U".Show me one guy who smokes when he is stressed.When someone is stressed bout some work they ll do the work as fast as possible,NOT smoke.If tat was so,then WHY don't people smoke in funeral's.tat s the height of tension!!(mmmm)People smoke only when they are bored,brek's,jobless.for instance, most smokers light up after a meal, while driving or when they are out walking alone.Which means that the person not only associates this new high with smoking, but also with what they're doing when they're smoking(kud kushi karlo)
TIME for DAMAGE conttrol:-
write down your reasons to quit and have them ready every time you want to smoke. Know your smokin area's and keep away from them.Drugs designed to help smokers act at the same receptors in the brain where nicotine goes and binds, and release dopamine(itna paisa mein ithna hi milenga!!)
Smokers have a four-fold risk of developing a heart attack compared to non-smokers. Over a period of time, they develop deposits of fat inside the lining of the blood vessels, causing them to become hard and develop cracks(it s INDIA crack's mean s it ll surely fall soon!!wt a PJ!!)
Besides respiratory problems, half of the lung cancer cases and 70 per cent oral cancer cases can be attributed to tobacco," .
The effects of smoking on women are greater than on men in the same age group, as women have relatively smaller blood vessels and these get further constricted due to smoking.For women on oral contraceptive pills, the risk increases as they are more prone to blood clots, strokes and cardio-vascular trouble.A lot of women tend to think that puffing away will kill appetite,(SIZE ZERO) and are even wary of putting on weight if they quit as the metabolic rate slows down. But what they don't realise is that it's harder to build muscle and tone up as one's stamina goes for a toss(dimak ki batthi jalade!!)
- Never too late
Even if you have been smoking for a few years, there's no reason to think that the damage is permanent. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death and India has the third highest number of women smokers (over one crore) in the world with the figures constantly rising. But Indian heart is like maruthi 800.Within three months of quitting, your heart attack risk begins to drop and lung function improves.(tension nahi lene ka). A year after quitting your added risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker and five years after quitting, the risk of a stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker. It's time you took that thing s on the pack a little more seriously.
- Stub the butt
1. Try to avoid the places or people with whom you tend to smoke more often.(bad friend's..grrr)
2. Use gum, or cloves, to delay the urge to smoke
3. Buy one cigarette at a time and never keep packs(friend's ll finish it off!!ha ha).
4. When you smoke, smoke only half the cigarette and throw away the rest(let some poor guy have some fun too..u r helpin someone).
5. Keep a count of how much you smoke each day and try to reduce every week(if ya count..ur math's improves!!).