U-turn - movie Review with full story
I was late as usual and instructed my ola driver to get into f1 mode. But traffic was in the usual Bangalore mode and I knew even this time I won't be on time just like always.Not the best way to start the blog but who cares

Story as a whole Claps claps to the master Pawan Ji (lols Ji should be first for him). No this is not like the U-turn poonam pandey did(where did she come in this review?). Ok I expected shradda to be the killer and it is the fucking cop Roger Narayan trying to Chulbul pande to stop people who are always showing him their backs. He works with shradda on her work and makes up the whole thing like - her office is trying to make news by making her a culprit joining Mr chulbul, chulbul makes her take all roads and create suspicion on her. He makes her take U turns so that nearby cameras get her no easily etc etc. I mean common then I feel ok fine he is the killer. then there come Radika who is actually Rogers love and is against his rules. And he cant take that and he is left in a fix as he loves his wife but loves his rules more. then he feels he is also in love with shraddha even if he kills his wife. Then he feels he can send her off like this and he can marry shraddha only. Then everything goes on a U turn . Shraddas mom cries every time when she is with her as shraddha wants to marry a rickshaw driver. Roger is angry now he left his wife also and rickshaw driver was shraddas crush. This crushed Rogers feelings and he also takes U turn. He decides he is too old now to find another wife and decides to meet his old wife.He meets near the flyover with his wife asking to come back and she is like takes her scooty on a U turn and goes home and roger also takes U-Turn and goes home.Suspense is they both end up in same home as radhika also came home than going to thavarmane. So they decide to change home as it is bad luck the door knob is shaking. You can see here cop coming in jeep and searching his wife with torch and taking full fast u turn in time-lapse mode
Seriously I have a to take a U-turn now and say that the whole thing you read so far is just going to go in really big U-turns until the U-turn is closed, which I cant do. So I suggest You just watch the movies than read so much bullshit over net for the story. 100 rupee ya 200 only aramse sit and enjoy the show no. Common at least watch some movies out of your laptop no.And being a filmmaker the least I could do when invited to a premiere is not share the story of the best movie i have watched this year.The following song is for all who know the story now and you will enjoy more as you are going to get more confused lols

Cinematography and sound:- Boss You want to watch this movie go and watch in multiplex. I am doing it as I almost felt i am missing the awesome effects that is going on. cinematography at some areas are intelligently crafted and looks wonderful with the awesome cuts by the editor.I am writing separately because these guys have done good work

Somehow half way i could get where it was going as it was similar to a short-film idea i had given to my brother which he had made.But still I enjoyed how it was taken and made a strong message oriented movie into a fun one. I am talking only of the theme and i dont think you will be able to see whats coming next :D. But heard people referring it with some Hindi movies which might be true but i dont think in kannada when a movie like this we should push aside
Caution:- You will hate the word U after watching this movie. Dont go at night or take a You turn. Bye gudnight I gotto take a U turn and get food now
All my future movie reviews will be in the MOVieeee Cirucusss...More nonsense reviews and full stories ahead
pawan kumar
PK studio
Prajwal Rai
roger narayan
Sensation films