Marcos:- The few the Fearless(indian Commandos)
Lot has been said lot has been written on various topics on various celebrities.You know every bit of the Bollywood and every story of your cricketer s and their lifestyle.I want to write about something and someone who are very close ot us but yet so far from our thoughts.The people who are ready at the places we never dare to go,The path we don't think about taking.The Brave and the Might Indian Army.Yes I have made up my mind to write about this topic to educate myself and a few of you who read my Blog.I will be concentrating on small groups that we don't know which are the best in the world and are feared the most.Technologically advanced secret commandos.
Motto:"the few the fearsome"
MARCOS are widely feared among the terrorists, who call them "Dadiwala Fauj" , meaning the "Bearded Army" because of their bearded disguise in civil areas.MARCOS have also been known to carry out wide variety of operations in Foreign soil but never get into public eyes more often.MARCOS can be launched from ships, aircraft and submarines in full battle gear
Names can be stripped stories can be engineered but History is forever. MARCOS was mainly developed as anti LTTE special group.Unfortunately even before the work could start LTTE killed itself. But the special forces took birth in the forgotten Operation Cactus
Operation Cactus – Maldives, 1988
On a pleasent day a 100-odd lungi-and jean-clad Tamil mercenaries attacked maladives with the aim of capturing the presidential palace and the communication centers.Unfortunately they forgot that radio channel s are not communication centers alone.They forgot the telephone exchange(typical lol).But they did capture the presidential palace and tried all the chair s and rooms in the palace while the president escaped easily.He actually forgot he had picked up a phone register in the hurry burry escape and first call he made was to RAJIV GANDHI .Soon a secret high level meeting was called and Para-Brigade was on it s way to maladives.Soon the Uyushin opened the hatch and the team of soldier s and jeeps runbled out with the mounted guns.Unfortunately the foolish invader s had even forgot to control the airport s too.And later it was learnt as soon as they heard Indian troops were coming through BBC they had ran helter scatter even forgetting thier lungis.
The soldier s then came to know of a ship trying to leave the port in a hurry.The soldier s took positions and fired their recoiless guns and machine guns.It was later learnt the lungi brigade has left with a ship filled with Black Label whiskey and cigarettes lols(all for a ship of booze?).Then it was time to chase.A veteran soldier recalls the people who were there "Not since we reached DHAKA in 1971 have i seen so much gratitude in people s eyes".But the soldier s watched helplessly while the ship was floating around like a idiot in the sea.First it looked like they were heading to singapore then they again turned and thought of srilanka(no not to kill Ravana..pj)
BREAK:- for all those who are wondering about lungi ______>>>>>> My next blog will surely be on this.Lungi is the beginning and the end of evolution in its category.This photo is not related to marcos at all.Taliban might use this strategic attire U never know :)
Marcos:-Will be out this block as the chase has just began..lot s of action i other part of this great mission.

Motto:"the few the fearsome"
MARCOS are widely feared among the terrorists, who call them "Dadiwala Fauj" , meaning the "Bearded Army" because of their bearded disguise in civil areas.MARCOS have also been known to carry out wide variety of operations in Foreign soil but never get into public eyes more often.MARCOS can be launched from ships, aircraft and submarines in full battle gear
Names can be stripped stories can be engineered but History is forever. MARCOS was mainly developed as anti LTTE special group.Unfortunately even before the work could start LTTE killed itself. But the special forces took birth in the forgotten Operation Cactus
Operation Cactus – Maldives, 1988
On a pleasent day a 100-odd lungi-and jean-clad Tamil mercenaries attacked maladives with the aim of capturing the presidential palace and the communication centers.Unfortunately they forgot that radio channel s are not communication centers alone.They forgot the telephone exchange(typical lol).But they did capture the presidential palace and tried all the chair s and rooms in the palace while the president escaped easily.He actually forgot he had picked up a phone register in the hurry burry escape and first call he made was to RAJIV GANDHI .Soon a secret high level meeting was called and Para-Brigade was on it s way to maladives.Soon the Uyushin opened the hatch and the team of soldier s and jeeps runbled out with the mounted guns.Unfortunately the foolish invader s had even forgot to control the airport s too.And later it was learnt as soon as they heard Indian troops were coming through BBC they had ran helter scatter even forgetting thier lungis.
The soldier s then came to know of a ship trying to leave the port in a hurry.The soldier s took positions and fired their recoiless guns and machine guns.It was later learnt the lungi brigade has left with a ship filled with Black Label whiskey and cigarettes lols(all for a ship of booze?).Then it was time to chase.A veteran soldier recalls the people who were there "Not since we reached DHAKA in 1971 have i seen so much gratitude in people s eyes".But the soldier s watched helplessly while the ship was floating around like a idiot in the sea.First it looked like they were heading to singapore then they again turned and thought of srilanka(no not to kill Ravana..pj)
BREAK:- for all those who are wondering about lungi ______>>>>>> My next blog will surely be on this.Lungi is the beginning and the end of evolution in its category.This photo is not related to marcos at all.Taliban might use this strategic attire U never know :)
Marcos:-Will be out this block as the chase has just began..lot s of action i other part of this great mission.
Bearded Army
Dadiwala Fauj
Operation Cactus – Maldives
Prajwal Rai
rajiv gandhi
secret commandos