your business?
this blog is just something boring and not for all of you so don’t stop
yourself if you are thinking of going to the next blog
"you come as a middle class and you die as ONE”
"you come as a middle class and you die as ONE”
am sitting here and watching a blog when everybody around me seems to be glued
to their computer screens running around to make a project delivery or addressing
issues as if it s the end of the world. I agree Mayan s really thought they
could fool us but they dint know in Bangalore the Engineer s have more issues
to address than the Fucking End of the world. Some fool s thought they can make
a movie and try to fool us. Aha no way s we are going to party as usual, I
don’t know if other s even have time to party.
thing that I actually don’t understand is “Why the hell are we living just for
survival?” . When you start working as a middle class man the salary will be
just so that you are able to afford a descent room to stay and for highly
expensive food. When you retire also you are still a middle class man with a
family to take care and high donations needed for children s higher education.
So what the point of working your ass out in office just to stay alive? It s
just the life of a machines, we are working to hue fun but ending up working
for survival. We do this and that and make our life a mess. On that these banks
come up with credit cards and loans to add fuel to fire showing u money to
spend .We spend it like it s our own money in king s style until the bank just
pops up and say s where the fuck is my money. Then we just go berserk
running pillar to post just to save ourselves and entire life repaying the
entire amount, Half life is of course spent in paying interest alone.
have to give the credit to US based companies. They show you a bone and ask you
to run for it. But when you reach it, it
s almost nothing as other have taken your share as they were shown the same
thing. No I am not saying you are a DOG (that wouldn’t be appropriate, but it looks
like that). When they feel you are frustrated with the job they throw more
bones like the outings. (OMG free food...u eat like u don’t have to eat for a
year.) And you are happy to work again and u praise the company till next
outing. Bloody why don’t u start a business and eat like that every day? No one
will question you about you are working or not! Nobody questions you spending
time with family. Fucking NOBODY CONTROLS YOU.
agree some are here not because of choice as they have many dependents at home.
But for other s who were just thrown into engineering and have obviously enjoyed
the time, what s your problem. Posting your pictures in Face book at some big
ass restaurant doesn’t mean you have any shit. If you were anything special you
wouldn’t be a slave of someone. You plan everyday to start your business and you
never do because your idea of business is to start it free of cost. (Yeah right
someone will just come to ur doorstep and give u client s or a bloody suitcase
full of money will suddenly pop up in your house, DREAM ON!!).

s nothing called as inspiring story than the story that you create. There no inspiration
than what we create. Business is small until we have that belief. People have
sold toilet paper s and become multi millionaire s and you say you don’t have a
business idea?. IF you seriously don’t have any idea you are a something that
they call in Hindi (Dharti ki Bhoj:- I can t translate it, for now take DUMB
ass) My passion was to be a film-maker, to be a film-maker you need money.
Where s the money? You need a producer? Where is he? If I get the money what
will I shoot? Where s the story? Who will act? Friends?(ha ha this is worst
choice always). You need so many people and you are sleeping aramse and saying
“I am a film-Maker” (wtf is wrong with you. you are not a film-maker until you
make a film).One thing people hate to say is “I am a producer”(that s because
there s money involved and risky..no no).So basically you need money for which
u need a business. No Engineer makes movies (they are always broke).So what s
the business to start with?.Don’t tell me you don’t have a idea. Because if u
don’t have a idea then u r a piece of nothing. Everyday things around us change
increasing the chances of business. Who ever thought that android was coming?
Who thought we can build houses in days?.who ever thought of selling of clothes
online? Who thought apple would fool so many people just by selling a package? Who
thought U were an idiot? So to be a film-maker what I did was go and see how
the fuck it works. How do you go?(I know u hue no idea or some nonsense idea because
I learnt it by experience). Meet people u know or get connection, if both is
tough bloody go to YouTube. The most important aspect for any business is Learn
and Improvise. You got to keep learning and changing according to the times. Talk
like MEAN IT, you know everything and create that wow persona instead of being a
fool. Foolishness works out sometimes but for a very short time like a joker in
a circus. And give yourself a tag like you mean it not fucking “I have done 10 short
movies all will be released soon”-> tat s crap, Crap because even those guys
went the same way and know you are lying. Don’t be just a liar, be a smart liar
“tell them u are a producer so that they know you have money. Whenever
there s money many tails will be wagging. You will be their best friend very soon.
Then you take command and get in. Yeah right all you asses out there who s now
thinking I am mean go see what you are doing to get maximum profits out of it. Business
is Built on making a fool out of someone, If there s nobody cursing a business
I would say every country would have been on the same development line. Trust
me I learnt these tips from the Industry itself…So the next question will be
“what did you produce?”…so what will you say?this is a very important to
question to answer because your answer can make it or break it
might be thinking who am I to talk about when I haven’t made any Film or have a
business. Actually I have done a few. A Film-maker is not the one who make
films that releases in Theatre s, The one s releasing in theatre is called
MOVIE not a film. Films include AD s, Short movies, Documentaries which may or
may not get you any income. I have been a part of the Ad industry working for
many reputed brands. Some of my AD s are released internationally, which gives
me a choice to call myself a Film-Maker. Or else I can just call myself a
wannabe Film-maker not a film-maker.SO chill I am just sharing some info I
learnt :) And this is our problem we are more worried about other s getting
recognition than doing something s ourselves. There s nobody who can Help you,
train you, pay you to come up with a idea, Make your dreams a reality. Maybe
you won’t reach there right away, sit for sometime have a thought. There s
nothing impossible. I always feel that dreams are Idea s to do something, like
a clue (AH OK ** conditions apply:- this dream s are idea s is not applied for explicit content lols)
am bit out of time but will continue in next blog. Let me know if something is
wrong nobody is perfect so I would like to see those negative view s also J This blog was boring I know but I ll keep it
like that as I really don’t care what U feel lols (inside me I care ha
Wrote by Prajwal Rai