You are a starting a company? cool...that s awesome bro... because its a failure or a loss you should be happy that you had the guts to take that risk and that s what you will be worth too.But never start a company for the following reasons.
1. Get rich quick

Hold onnn brother. If you want to get rich quickly from your buisiness you should stop doing what you are planning to do and go back to your old job and begg your boss to give that job back.Because by all means your IT job will pay more than what you earn in 5 years with your IT company. Building a company to earn more means you need to have a lot of systems in place and it s not a easy job at all. You will have to work hard day and night and it s very stressfull and chaotic. It takes a long time and a good idea( according to to other s) to make it a money machine. If you want to start a company start something that relates you to. Not something that makes your life miserable
2. you have a IDEA
I don't know who gave you that idea or what a fucking genius you are.You come and tell me you have a idea!!. OK I too have a idea "we need to put a lid on earth so that aliens cant enter without paying tolls" rofl. Sometimes your ideas get better. you come straight away and tell "I have a BUSINESS PLAN!!". MY GOD!!! nobody knew that you r the only one on this planet with a business plan?
Yea that was little over the top advice. But that s what you will face when you goto someone saying you have a idea. NOBODY wants a guy who has a idea, they want people who has started doing something on their ideas. You go with a sample, a Prototype and your investor will have some confidence that you really have that belief and the potential to do it.And you are not the guy with a Dream but a guy with a future in your hand. So dont just go anywhere with a idea. show him something please :)
3. Because Because

because I see a problem that a lot of people have
because I have a solution that fixes that problem well
because I see that a lot of those people want my solution so badly that they are willing to pay for it.
Firstly investors will be looking for a answer like " I believe in this and I can tell you why this venture will be a successfull one.." show them what you are service you are going to give not solve someone s problem. This is not a charity work.And if some people are ready to pay for it thestraight forward answer you will get is " GOTO THEM please"
These are some thing s i learnt over the weekend talking to some guys who are into start ups and have been successful in their work and some research. Hope it helped you out or else it s pointless :)
Wrote by Prajwal Rai