Give your dreams a chance
Many of you out there have some amazing dreams about how to go about life when you are done with college and how wonderful it will go to college just because you are forced to.You feel that college teaches all the things that will make your life better and show you the path to fulfill your Dreams.
Firstly just because someone said Dream big doesn't mean you gotta keep dreaming. Take a break dude.
If you want to be a entrepreneur start your own business, here are a few reasons why you should take a break and put your college on hold for sometime

This is the most important thing when you want to start a business- TIMING. So if the time is right and you feel you should do after college, you missed the train. when you come out of college you will realise you are out of that league. If you pick the wrong time, your competition may beat you to the spot, the industry/market may collapse, or the opportunity may simply be lost. College you can go anytime, nobody will stop you and there s nothing like you cant miss college if you are determined to do something than just bunking and having a smoke. The chances of the great business opportunity being captured by someone else is a lot higher. So whenever you feel it s right just wait for no longer. Just do it man, but only if you are confident and have some research done on the matter.
You can always go back to school, but you can’t always get opportunities back.
Jump At The Chance
Not that I hate college or anything, but it’s not something GREAT. The majority of people who follow the traditional college degree path and look to live a life where they work for 40-50 years earning a decent salary.Which they will realize is too decent to even survive. As entrepreneurs, we hate hearing the word average or decent. We want to be GREAT, We want a good, flexible and maybe a awesome lifestyle. If you have the opportunity to create something great and possibly become financially free for the rest of your life, jump on it.You miss that you got a long way to go brother. Maybe you even might end up with a decent salary

The younger you are, the hungrier and more motivated you are.we all desire to be the best and love to learn. why not use it as motivation and start early!
Take Risks, you will love it
Skipping a semester or two of college is a risky endeavor and your realatives will start their works of gossipping. Lets say things don’t go the way you planned, you may have lost 6-12 months of time you could have spent getting closer to your degree and made your relatives very happy by giving thema chance to give you some advice .However, was it really that risky considering the amazing experience you probably had? You get to pursue your dreams, live life your way, and create something you’re passionate about. The upside is huge. Your company may become successful and you may become financially free for the rest of your life. It s all about Time again. You cant be a father by making 9 girls pregnant in a month. you have to wait for the other 8 months. That how it s meant to be. now stop worrying about 9 girls, I was just making a point :)
College degrees are not essential to your success in the business world. Take a chance, chase your dreams, and see where it takes you. Worst case scenario, you failed but learned a LOT and had the experience of a life time!. And more than anything YOU OWN A COMPANY
I am launching my new video company soon called sensation films in a month or so and it is awesome awesome!!. That feeling of your dream turning into reality . I will be blogging every step on it from now as many have requested to do so, they want to see what it take s and what are the hurdles we face when we are trying to start a company. Write to me if you want something in specific
building your own buisiness
chasing your dreams
Prajwal Rai
Sensation films