Dont give up
"Hiii where do you work"
"I am into software company"
"so how s it going?"
"I should say it s awesome awesome payment and good facilities it s going good. So what you upto?
"nothing just started my own s going fine"
" But i heard you bought a Villa here?"
"yeah that was just for fun....nothing fun like you guys have
"wth mahn my work is fucked up what r u talking?I hardly save money. My salary wont even last till month end"
IT was predicted by many that it will be a superpower by 2020. It was a moment of pride and some of us even laughed at those who told that after all the research. So will it be a super power? How is India going to cope with the employment and poverty?Are Indians still going to die working under the MNC's providing services?I never got any answers for these questions as it s a complicated thing.I feel it s because of the pressures from Home, peer, social status that s taking us down.Indian leaders always believed in the youth power here. One thing is for sure, youngster s today are more focused on achieving something.Wherever you go in Bangalore you see innovators and the next gen entrepreneurs at work. They might be a stranger,your colleague or your friends you will know a guy who has worked on a start up company.Bangalore is changing from a service based city to Innovation Hub with entrepreneurs in every street
Everyone of us want to do something awesome which will make our lives easy. We all think that owning the company and making enough money is what it s all about. Freedom from everything to do whatever you want. But starting the company to reaching a position of freedom is a pain in the ass. It s a hell lot of work and sleepless nights. I feel start-ups are the best thing that we need to look at when we are young and ready to do anything. We will get the best as we have a lot of contacts when we are young. Our friends here and there.Bangalore actually has a lot of startups that s increasing day by day. Whenever I meet a guy they are doing something and are working on a startup. They are focused, Determined, Free and want to do something. The credit goes to parents who are coming out and supporting them no matter what

But the problem is out of a 100 startup s in India only one or two make it to the top. Where are the other start ups? Why are there no companies like Google and facebook coming from India. These are all questions easy to ask than taking a step forward. The important part of this problem in Indian start ups is that everyone want s immediate returns. Everyone feels their idea is good and he ll be a millionaire in few days. Then reality hit back a and it hit s hard it will be 6 or 7 months into the project and you feel it s time to stop this nonsense and go to your regular IT job.So 6 months of wasted efforts. What happened here is you just said the guy who comes next " i have don't the hard bit of promoting this business now you take over". Six month s of your work helps him to easily do the sales and in front of your eyes you ll see him make all the money for your hard work. Good example "Viber" and "Whatsapp". Who came first?. both have the same features (actually viber has more). But whats-app hit the right areas when they came and Viber could do nothing.That s what happens when you give up, you will feel the entire world cruising past you. There s nothing called a unsuccessful business it just a "good" or a "Bad" business.So stop doing what you are because once you stop you cannot stop other s who were behind you. It s all about who reaches the finish line first.Everyone has failures but Winners dont give up.
"I am into software company"
"so how s it going?"
"I should say it s awesome awesome payment and good facilities it s going good. So what you upto?
"nothing just started my own s going fine"
" But i heard you bought a Villa here?"
"yeah that was just for fun....nothing fun like you guys have
"wth mahn my work is fucked up what r u talking?I hardly save money. My salary wont even last till month end"

Everyone of us want to do something awesome which will make our lives easy. We all think that owning the company and making enough money is what it s all about. Freedom from everything to do whatever you want. But starting the company to reaching a position of freedom is a pain in the ass. It s a hell lot of work and sleepless nights. I feel start-ups are the best thing that we need to look at when we are young and ready to do anything. We will get the best as we have a lot of contacts when we are young. Our friends here and there.Bangalore actually has a lot of startups that s increasing day by day. Whenever I meet a guy they are doing something and are working on a startup. They are focused, Determined, Free and want to do something. The credit goes to parents who are coming out and supporting them no matter what

building your own buisiness
chasing your dreams
computer science
corporate world
Dont give up