"you know what I am working this amazing idea just wait and watch how many investors will come once I launch"
3 years after launch
"Dude what is wrong with the investors why are they not going forward with my idea?"
This is a usual conversation that happens around Indiranagar mainly on weekdays. We start-up people have nothing else to do most of the days you see if we don't have a job we just go and chill out meet some unknown people talking about equity and unknown terms when we are just waiting for him to say the magic words of "I will invest...".
Most of the times it doesn't end like that but other sentences
"I love your idea..tomorrow will call u mahn ..so cool..."
"let me check with my partners...i will call u to office will discuss there"
" oh well i think this will make it large....you need big investors for this"
"mahn the last company i invested nearly 2 cr....blah blah"
"I think you should have a few girls also in team..."
We never know what is wrong with the idea we have. My start-up I understand it even though we have worked for Amazon, Ebay, Ford etc we never saw any interested guy as it is in the most unreliable field-Media. But now I meet up and see what is happening with my friends around in Indiranagar who have got into the make it big start-up dream and it is not something that they show in movies. It is bloody funny how this guys organised themselves to save money.I as a film-maker just sit in their house/office and watch them, very interesting actually.4-5 souls running around calling random people delivering stuff, shouting at loan agents who keep calling them, and watching one or two episodes of Game of thrones then Breaking bad and end smoking up and watching the pitchers for some inspiration. most of these guys hardly have their girlfriends now, you no with start-ups comes the problem of keeping some money in pocket.

One guy had a girlfriend whose dad was quite rich. One day he took her for a candle light dinner near Domblur in a 5 star hotel (paid for by the whole team for a reason). After a romantic dinner she was expecting him to propose i guess but shockingly what he did sums up the crazy people in Start-ups lols. He pitched his start-up idea to her and asked her to ask her dad to invest, that was the end of that adventure.He dint ask it like a filmy way n all but casually. The team had to meet up with their friend (Kingfisher Sir) that whole night and discuss about how sad of his girlfriend to say NO to such a amazing idea.

They r actually doing good now even though it was not such a great idea they are now going at a good pace and recently moved to a new office near MG Road and now have a strength of around 50 employees too i guess.With a turnover of around 2-3 crores i think that no one would know how they started and how fucked up was their lives. No one asks them how they got a investor and that is one hell of a story and it was a total mistake. Actually thinking of doing a series on them on youtube so will cover all that there i guess.I think one thing I would take with me now whenever i work towards a start-up is that don't listen to all the bullshit people say around you. listen to the people who got fucked by business they will tell you the reality of how it is to be there
Me and my friend who is working and successful on food manufacturing start-up started a meetup once in a month among our own group of friends and discuss on our mistakes and problems faced . It is very informative actually as it has helped us personally and we could help our friends in somethings.Of coarse it sometimes turned into long rides, pub hoppin and cheap drinks. But it is a good experience to work with other startup as you can get your problems solved easily. Anyone interested can join us if you are into a start-up as we dont mind at all.You just have to hop in to Sensation Films office which is of coarse near Indiranagar. You can get anything gift wrapped here we take cash, cheque, drinks, food anything lols. Just kidding. Plan on your idea and go for it. Dont think much about what people are saying because you cant explain everyone how start-up works. Dont think of a multi million dollar investment to begin with you will definitely be disappointed. Whenever there is a party, don't forget to attend it / leave me a message ha ha. after a long time I was in mood for a blog. I have absolutely no idea what is all written above, it is fridayyy nighttt and party abi baki hai mere dost.

Monday I start off with my new project and need to clear my mind for another incredible, fucked up, fun unlimited, geeky, time consuming, no sleeping and just crying to GOD to just take me out of this Startup mess
*this blog will be properly posted again tomorrow maybe