lets startup:- bad things Ahead
Chintu "You know what I am good at painting I should start my own business"
Motu:- "Ha ha seriously dude Baad idea who will buy your painting, simply you have to spend on website, payment gateway n all. instead come lets party today"
There are many who want to start something of their own and they start dreaming of all the cash flow that will happen once they start. They will be in news, they will be flying around the world, partying with rock stars, awards etc etc unbelievable it is -The world of start-ups. They all decide they will start from tomorrow and soon people will run to get their product all over the world.
Ok stop dreaming first mainly the day dreams of being the richest CEO. You have absolutely no idea of how fucked up being a CEO of a company is. When you start managing a small group of employees like 5 you will want to go back to your old job. The overheads and revenues will be the only thing in your mind. Some things from my experience now after having a team of 5 employees and 3 startups, I want to share what i feel we do wrong to begin with.Here we go
1. Forget the millions you will make and get ready for getting bankrupt
when you start you start with all the money you have, loans etc. you get some business and you realize it is time to hire some to manage. You get a swanky office which you will soon evacuate in a few months to get some office in a interior area or a apartment. Then you will have a overhead on you every month and you have to have to get business every month or you are going to close shop soon. You will have no time to dream in this few months/ years till you have stable business. So this I have faced v badly but dint go bankrupt thankfully so far. Basic thing to remember here is you work your ass off and get long term clients and work on every small work you get without rejecting but never give up quality of work

2. Keep your friendship away from business.
You start doing free gigs for your friends and that is exactly when you start realizing how fucked up your business is. In business there are no friends is a famous proverb which I got a v good experience of. Friends do understand if you explain them but if you pith them something free they are not going to say no and you have to deliver your free goods now.
This might be offensive but it is true as your friends are your friends you can yap all the time about your business to them. They are not interested or maybe they are getting irritated. This doesnt mean you should loose your friends but just keep business away
3. Negativity runs in the bloodline
Biggest critics of your business till you die will be your relatives. They will make your life and business look like shit in functions. There will also be some friends who have done nothing int heir life but make fun of people until they are successful.Then they ll beg you to add them to your team.
Keep both these types of people away as possible they are absolutely useless to you if you want success
4.Sell it everywhere
You don't get customers on your doorstep just because you launched. You got to market it like it will get displayed in your customers dreams also. Learn the best ways to market than spending all your cash on tv, hoardings. These are old and new age marketing is completely different. You have many ways to market without spending anything. Yes if you have no idea hire some Brand consultants. Someone like us at www.sensationfilm.com will do it for v less price ha ha. See I sold you something right away without spending a single penny. You got to market no matter how good your product is. You should see Apple and learn about marketing a phone that bends

5. Forget the weekend plans and parties in town:
Exactly when u r ready to gout to meet your friends on a weekend you get a call from a client who asks you to join him.He is doing his bit of socializing and doing business at same time. So you might end up in a lavish party in the city but you will know no one around. If that happens then it is ok. But you might also end up in a house with your client discussing metrics, figures, charts while your Engineer friends just went to a Avicci concert. You cant explain this to your friends who will start to count you up for the next event lols
I would like to share more thing and get you bored but I gotto sleep now :P
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
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Motu:- "Ha ha seriously dude Baad idea who will buy your painting, simply you have to spend on website, payment gateway n all. instead come lets party today"
There are many who want to start something of their own and they start dreaming of all the cash flow that will happen once they start. They will be in news, they will be flying around the world, partying with rock stars, awards etc etc unbelievable it is -The world of start-ups. They all decide they will start from tomorrow and soon people will run to get their product all over the world.
Ok stop dreaming first mainly the day dreams of being the richest CEO. You have absolutely no idea of how fucked up being a CEO of a company is. When you start managing a small group of employees like 5 you will want to go back to your old job. The overheads and revenues will be the only thing in your mind. Some things from my experience now after having a team of 5 employees and 3 startups, I want to share what i feel we do wrong to begin with.Here we go
1. Forget the millions you will make and get ready for getting bankrupt

2. Keep your friendship away from business.
You start doing free gigs for your friends and that is exactly when you start realizing how fucked up your business is. In business there are no friends is a famous proverb which I got a v good experience of. Friends do understand if you explain them but if you pith them something free they are not going to say no and you have to deliver your free goods now.
This might be offensive but it is true as your friends are your friends you can yap all the time about your business to them. They are not interested or maybe they are getting irritated. This doesnt mean you should loose your friends but just keep business away
3. Negativity runs in the bloodline
Biggest critics of your business till you die will be your relatives. They will make your life and business look like shit in functions. There will also be some friends who have done nothing int heir life but make fun of people until they are successful.Then they ll beg you to add them to your team.
Keep both these types of people away as possible they are absolutely useless to you if you want success
4.Sell it everywhere
You don't get customers on your doorstep just because you launched. You got to market it like it will get displayed in your customers dreams also. Learn the best ways to market than spending all your cash on tv, hoardings. These are old and new age marketing is completely different. You have many ways to market without spending anything. Yes if you have no idea hire some Brand consultants. Someone like us at www.sensationfilm.com will do it for v less price ha ha. See I sold you something right away without spending a single penny. You got to market no matter how good your product is. You should see Apple and learn about marketing a phone that bends

5. Forget the weekend plans and parties in town:
Exactly when u r ready to gout to meet your friends on a weekend you get a call from a client who asks you to join him.He is doing his bit of socializing and doing business at same time. So you might end up in a lavish party in the city but you will know no one around. If that happens then it is ok. But you might also end up in a house with your client discussing metrics, figures, charts while your Engineer friends just went to a Avicci concert. You cant explain this to your friends who will start to count you up for the next event lols
I would like to share more thing and get you bored but I gotto sleep now :P
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
I am always on Facebook don't hesitate to shoot me :p FACEBOOK
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common sense
Prajwal Rai
Sensation films
What not to do