Snap It :- following your passion and Photography
"My photograph has been selected for so and so competition
please like it"
"My photos are kickass, I don’t understand why they gave
award to that photo"
Perceptions have changed, passions have been forced into, direction is lost all in the name of a silly competition on Facebook,Instagram,twitter etc. Painters, Engineers, Doctors, architects everyone has the same passionà PHOTOGRAPHY. You can’t criticize their works, they will unfriend you. You can’t suggest them anything, they will ignore you. You can’t ignore their page invite, they will gossip about you. Everyone has a common dream “BUYING A DSLR”

It’s absurd if someone says I can take much better photos if I would have had a DSLR. DSLR's are also not the best way to decide what you
want to be. Sometimes it’s not the fancy equipment’s that make your creativity
to come to life, it’s your passion and hard work that will. Important thing is
to decide what you really like to be than deciding to be a photographer just
because your friend has made lot of money with it. If you have been fascinated
by images and have thought about how technically brilliant the photographer was
then you can say you might be somewhat interested in the field (No Facebook
profile pictures don’t count).

Another Myth “ I want to be a photographer and I am getting
the best-- Canon **”. You should be the dumbest photographer at that very
place. 90% in the Industry use Nikon for photography who told you Canon is the
best for that?. Forget Nikon Sony is the
one winning awards since 3 years now for Alpha. Once you start buying a DSLR
you will always be looking out for accessories than doing what you intended to
do. By the time you buy all the lenses, rigs, filter and get nothing back as
income you are exhausted and you hate everything you got.
It is best to start to be photography with the gadgets you
already own and go forward. It will turn into a business without your knowledge
and you will feel you definitely don’t need to buy a DSLR as the requirements
keep changing every time. I tried photography with my phone and I am happy with
it. I don’t plan to take photographs but capture the moments when I feel I am
in the right place. Even though I own a company that provides video and
photography services, We still are learning new things that we need to have for the next shoot. Sit for a few minutes and think about what are the happiest moments in your life and what you like the most if you are given an opportunity to do. You will realise that your interest lies somewhere else.And people might say follow your passion and you will be superstart but they never told you how much they struggled following their passion to achieve their place in teh society. Anyway here are a few photos I clicked with my phone and guess what all the pictures here were all shot on a phone not DSLR. they might not be the best but I like them

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Film - maker
Prajwal Rai
Sensation films