India invisivble innovations that run the world
Hi everyone thanks for the 25000 readers for keeping me going with my blog eventhough i dont talk on anything specific.And thanks for all the messages so far and of coarse will be doing some thing s you suggested soon. One of it being Start up videos(some suggested this as they came to know about my advertising company)anyway if it helps someone i told "wth let s do it".By the way my website is (ha ha cheap brand promotions). but you can always leaves suggestions on my blog or our videos :)
so I was asking some questions in my previous blog on why are there no companies like Google and Facebook. After writing that I was really curious why the hell are there no big companies from world s IT companies.I got into the groove watched some videos, hated some people, came across dating suggestions, stumbled on porn websites, some technical websites. Worst thing was the Pop Up ADs, I hated my job for a minute there.why do you harass people to watch your product, people will stop hating the brand. In between all these I actually stumbled across different points that i felt was WOW!!
Firstly the fact is true and every Indian must agree it s true we dont have Facebook, Google kind of companies. But all non Indians will have to agree that without Indians Google, Facebook wont be up and running (a minute of silence for everyone to curse me, but before that).Indians have made innovations which are the very effective and very cheap. What do they call the innovations made by Indians?.Its "invisible Innovations".You see their works everyday everywhere. For example Open Photoshop and read through the credits page. Guess who came up with the design?.An Indian Seetharaman Narayanan
So what is it that invisible innovation.Is it like a invisible cloak? lols no it is not. If you goto Google headquaters and ask for R&D team all that you will find is Indians.I even watched "internship" movie and u can see a lot of them. But the point is these people in R&D are all Indians but no one know s it. Ok forget that goto some other top company Headquaters around and ask for R&D you know what you will hear "It s in India". i mean wth headquaters doesnt have a R&D division only? "Somebody s gonna get hurt". Last 2-3 years alone nearly 750 Companies have shifted tehir R&D centres to India. You know why? because they get better products at 1/10the the price.And there s no timings, hell yeah!!.
There s actually more than what meet s the eye. where do we Indians have time to innovate? This is something even better. When kids finished their Degrees 4 years back they all woke up with a dream of working in a BPO. which meant that BPO employment rate increased. All youngsters enjoyed BPO work for some months then they got bored. So what to do now? now the second part starts. they started innovating. They automated the calling process with the coding knowledge they had. They suggested changes to manager s which saved millions of dollars to the client.
Meanwhile in US and UK. Companies were consulted by new start ups in India offering assistance at lower prices. So people in UK though Ah cool let s play around with these guys give them the lowest ladder.Ladder is essentially the rating s of the work. So Indians got the BPO s going while in Uk and US they worked on higher ladders. sadly what happened was there are lakhs of cheap worker s free and ready to join in India. IT companies wanted to hire them all. but again a problem.If they hire them for BPO job they dont have space/ requirement. So they felt we will get the lowest ladder guy s to UK and we will put new comers in that space. Immigration began. that was the only option. Another option was to immigrate freshers otherwise.(tough one to understand but will explain graphically in my videos :) )
Basically what all these did was Indian s climbed the ladders from the basic while other s took a shortcut. So when Indian reach the top of the ladder they know about all the levels and how it works which means effective administration will be in place, nobody can fool around. If you observe now most of the managements in companies have a Indian. Which also means it wont be long when you ll see them taking the top posisitions.What s also important is even if there s a crisis these people know how to handle the works done by every one which means recession doesn't hit easily at their level
Talking about all these things happening around the world we shouldnt forget what s happening on the other end. Indian Entrepreneurs are really taking big strides with success.Thats something I want to write up but i feel you will dose off if I start so let s keep it for next time.And congrats you are a good reader you read till the end on such a topic. I slept twice so forgive the mistakes if you find any before I change it tomorrow
Thank you for reading
leave your personal note if any or I am always on Facebook don't hesitate to shoot me :p
so I was asking some questions in my previous blog on why are there no companies like Google and Facebook. After writing that I was really curious why the hell are there no big companies from world s IT companies.I got into the groove watched some videos, hated some people, came across dating suggestions, stumbled on porn websites, some technical websites. Worst thing was the Pop Up ADs, I hated my job for a minute there.why do you harass people to watch your product, people will stop hating the brand. In between all these I actually stumbled across different points that i felt was WOW!!
Firstly the fact is true and every Indian must agree it s true we dont have Facebook, Google kind of companies. But all non Indians will have to agree that without Indians Google, Facebook wont be up and running (a minute of silence for everyone to curse me, but before that).Indians have made innovations which are the very effective and very cheap. What do they call the innovations made by Indians?.Its "invisible Innovations".You see their works everyday everywhere. For example Open Photoshop and read through the credits page. Guess who came up with the design?.An Indian Seetharaman Narayanan
So what is it that invisible innovation.Is it like a invisible cloak? lols no it is not. If you goto Google headquaters and ask for R&D team all that you will find is Indians.I even watched "internship" movie and u can see a lot of them. But the point is these people in R&D are all Indians but no one know s it. Ok forget that goto some other top company Headquaters around and ask for R&D you know what you will hear "It s in India". i mean wth headquaters doesnt have a R&D division only? "Somebody s gonna get hurt". Last 2-3 years alone nearly 750 Companies have shifted tehir R&D centres to India. You know why? because they get better products at 1/10the the price.And there s no timings, hell yeah!!.
There s actually more than what meet s the eye. where do we Indians have time to innovate? This is something even better. When kids finished their Degrees 4 years back they all woke up with a dream of working in a BPO. which meant that BPO employment rate increased. All youngsters enjoyed BPO work for some months then they got bored. So what to do now? now the second part starts. they started innovating. They automated the calling process with the coding knowledge they had. They suggested changes to manager s which saved millions of dollars to the client.

Basically what all these did was Indian s climbed the ladders from the basic while other s took a shortcut. So when Indian reach the top of the ladder they know about all the levels and how it works which means effective administration will be in place, nobody can fool around. If you observe now most of the managements in companies have a Indian. Which also means it wont be long when you ll see them taking the top posisitions.What s also important is even if there s a crisis these people know how to handle the works done by every one which means recession doesn't hit easily at their level
Talking about all these things happening around the world we shouldnt forget what s happening on the other end. Indian Entrepreneurs are really taking big strides with success.Thats something I want to write up but i feel you will dose off if I start so let s keep it for next time.And congrats you are a good reader you read till the end on such a topic. I slept twice so forgive the mistakes if you find any before I change it tomorrow
Thank you for reading
leave your personal note if any or I am always on Facebook don't hesitate to shoot me :p
India. IT
Prajwal Rai