Journey as a Startup-Family,friends and issues
Today i just sat down with a few guys who are in their startups and we had a discussion.Everyone had a thought that they can find easy answers on Google on "how to go legally", "how to manage your team and grow", "how to pitch to your clients " etc but there not much information that says what to expect outside their startup circle.Saying "I am starting a company " is very easy and it might be successful also but what are the things that totally throw apart your one great journey is the mental trauma that you will definitely go through.I am in that stage now and I feel sharing it might help a few people while I might have people laughing and criticizing outside the circle. If you are looking for grammar here, sorry I just write what s in my mind. I believe in sharing my thoughts and as I have learned there s more value for honesty,quality than hype,money.I am so going to give you some experiences that I came across in my journey to start Sensation Films
Myself:-I am a Engineer by profession and Film-maker by passion.My Native is Puttur, a few kms from Mangalore, which is still the best place for me to go and relax from all the bullshit around me.Before I came to Bangalore I got to witness the Bollywood culture when I stayed in Pune, Bombay for around 6 months,did some acting, shows. Then came to Bangalore with the passion alive and joined a IT company(wth?). At the same time I wanted to start Sensation Films which was just a name till then.So whatever I write here might be in this field but you will definitely come acrss this on your way
Partnership:- This is one thing that fascinates everyone when some friend says let s start a company, me and You. You will be like "yes definitely". That what I did with two friends who were looking for someone to join them. They said we will grow to gather and each one had certain responsibilities And we started out as a company(Name not disclosed for reasons coming up).The company grew very with all our hard works and soon a investor was interested in our venture. He joins and invests a big amount. we get our office setup. Now the projects go haywire from quality projects to money making projects. As money came in people joined and as people joined I fell out of place.Sensation Films was asked to be not mentioned of anywhere, I Agreed. But the worst thing that we forget is to do the partnership agreement. And now if I want to leave I leave with nothing because the people have changed, with money people change.So I call it quits as I got fed up of this partnership stuff and I was going nowhere with this.
Don't go for partnership until it s legal and your voice is heard, you are going down the drain.Think about it, keep up your confidence. Hire some freelance guys o finish your work. When there s budget just Hire people. That s exactly what I did, there s always options.

Friends:- People talk about this topic behind the scenes. When you start a business you always feel your friends in Fb are awesome and they will help you out no matter what.So before starting Sensation I did a small Analysis on this as i heard a lot from other startups in Microsoft Startups.Friends don't care what the fuck you are doing, it doesn't concern them. No it s not that they are cruel souls. It s simple my field is advertising,I am very proud of my works. Now I put my works on my FB page with a few guys who were also with me.My friends might know that it s my work but still what I am doing here is forcing them to see something that they really hate, ADVERTISEMENT.It s not what they are interested in they might have different things in life that they like but it might not be same as you.You got to understand more you put across your works more are they going to gossip and curse you for that for the simple face that they are on FB for entertainment and not bullshit. And slowly tehy ll un follow you and if you ask anything they will say it s good and you ll never receive another message from them lols.This a category that you need to be very careful with or you will lose their support
Then who do you talk to? The second category is what I call them. These are your friends who give you good reviews and appreciate your works. They might be soemone you dint know till then or someone who was once a very good friend. The third category is the friends who are interested int eh field, they want to be part of movies, they like creative works etc. These guys will help you out and maybe even join your venture like my partner in crime. He s like creative works and he was interested to just do something creative.So basically dont force your friends to like your buisines.
Family:- This is a very important portion. Do not involve any of em in your business because then you will be talking just money with them noting else.You get them involved and they say they want to be your partner and are ready to invest is the most fucked up situation. You cannot reject as it will become a big issue, you cannot accept because they have no idea of the field.Next thing is they dont hurt you but ignore you, gossip about you no matter what heights you reach.The worst part is your buisiness is good but your relatives have no idea about wth is that.My parents got the idea when they saw my work and they get it.I tell my relatives "I have a advertising/movie studio in bangalore and we also do candid videos". here the responses i get
"So why dont you join a proper job? my son can help you"
"Studio? so you do marriages n all? dint you get a job?"
"Get a job or very tough to get a girl"
"you did engineering no? My son joined infosys and get s 30000..shalli tell him?"
I mean did I just say "I am broke and dying?" wtf ha ha. And I told that aunty i get 4 times mre in this business and she went silent. This is what you must expect in India. Of coarse some guys have lost all their money doing stupid things but common they had the balls to try something than some people who go to office 5 day s a week and booze on weekends to say I achieved something with the salary that wont end for a month.
I really see hundred of people trying something new everyday in Bangalore and at least two start ups taken over every month. Its time to think is Boozing on weekends,going to concerts going to help us to achieve our goals-> going to concerts for a lifetime with a company to run and no much work to do lols.
To sum it up I would like to just say I dint mean to hurt anyone here(I always hurt someone usually) but here the only intention was to share my journey so far which is just 6 months now with Sensation Films and my wonderfull team of 8 who stood with me and we are now finally reaching somewhere to reach where I aimed at.This year will be a good year for all of you and hopefully us too. Clients please proceed to our website and order now lol(what are you waiting for? :p).
Happy new year
Cheers to every one of my friends-> Friends yeah!!
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
Thanks for supporting my blog, sorry I couldnt touch on the part of writing "kannada reviews" as it would become another bloody blog by Prajwal ha ha. I accept CASH ha ha
Myself:-I am a Engineer by profession and Film-maker by passion.My Native is Puttur, a few kms from Mangalore, which is still the best place for me to go and relax from all the bullshit around me.Before I came to Bangalore I got to witness the Bollywood culture when I stayed in Pune, Bombay for around 6 months,did some acting, shows. Then came to Bangalore with the passion alive and joined a IT company(wth?). At the same time I wanted to start Sensation Films which was just a name till then.So whatever I write here might be in this field but you will definitely come acrss this on your way

Don't go for partnership until it s legal and your voice is heard, you are going down the drain.Think about it, keep up your confidence. Hire some freelance guys o finish your work. When there s budget just Hire people. That s exactly what I did, there s always options.

Then who do you talk to? The second category is what I call them. These are your friends who give you good reviews and appreciate your works. They might be soemone you dint know till then or someone who was once a very good friend. The third category is the friends who are interested int eh field, they want to be part of movies, they like creative works etc. These guys will help you out and maybe even join your venture like my partner in crime. He s like creative works and he was interested to just do something creative.So basically dont force your friends to like your buisines.
Family:- This is a very important portion. Do not involve any of em in your business because then you will be talking just money with them noting else.You get them involved and they say they want to be your partner and are ready to invest is the most fucked up situation. You cannot reject as it will become a big issue, you cannot accept because they have no idea of the field.Next thing is they dont hurt you but ignore you, gossip about you no matter what heights you reach.The worst part is your buisiness is good but your relatives have no idea about wth is that.My parents got the idea when they saw my work and they get it.I tell my relatives "I have a advertising/movie studio in bangalore and we also do candid videos". here the responses i get
"So why dont you join a proper job? my son can help you"
"Studio? so you do marriages n all? dint you get a job?"
"Get a job or very tough to get a girl"
"you did engineering no? My son joined infosys and get s 30000..shalli tell him?"
I mean did I just say "I am broke and dying?" wtf ha ha. And I told that aunty i get 4 times mre in this business and she went silent. This is what you must expect in India. Of coarse some guys have lost all their money doing stupid things but common they had the balls to try something than some people who go to office 5 day s a week and booze on weekends to say I achieved something with the salary that wont end for a month.
I really see hundred of people trying something new everyday in Bangalore and at least two start ups taken over every month. Its time to think is Boozing on weekends,going to concerts going to help us to achieve our goals-> going to concerts for a lifetime with a company to run and no much work to do lols.
To sum it up I would like to just say I dint mean to hurt anyone here(I always hurt someone usually) but here the only intention was to share my journey so far which is just 6 months now with Sensation Films and my wonderfull team of 8 who stood with me and we are now finally reaching somewhere to reach where I aimed at.This year will be a good year for all of you and hopefully us too. Clients please proceed to our website and order now lol(what are you waiting for? :p).

Cheers to every one of my friends-> Friends yeah!!
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
Thanks for supporting my blog, sorry I couldnt touch on the part of writing "kannada reviews" as it would become another bloody blog by Prajwal ha ha. I accept CASH ha ha
indie films
Prajwal Rai
Senation Films