Just stop dreaming, Dreaming is not good enough

When you are building a brand you need to set standards. You
open up the entire space for anyone means you are pulling down your own brand
down and you will be lost in hundred s of brands available around. Awards are
not something that just hangs around in the corner of your house or is the
money the most important factor when someone wins a award from a reputed agency.
When someone wins a award they feel rewarded
for all the hard work they have done so far and also feel there’s someone who
appreciates their work. You want to know why Oscars has that reputation? See how
they portray the brand. Their panel will have people who have extensive
experience in the field from all over the world. The producers of the show dint
say we will sit and judge because they know it’s pointless. There are a hundred film awards in India and most remember only Film-Fare Awards. This looks like a 100 items on a buffet, pointless but no one asks why.
You know the worst part of this is when that they promise
everyone to join them and change the world and stuff. Their fucking website
doesn’t open on a simple PHONE!! Now that s something that can definitely change the world, No Website itself!!. On that they don’t know how to promote it on
social media, they have to spend a few bucks and put up a damn AD!!. Going to every single page on facebook and posting about it is not called marketing it s called spamming your friends or in other words foolishness, Your friends will hate you soon. I don’t know what few bucks they are
going to pay people after saying international Award. This is exactly why there are hundred s of worthless short movie film festivals also.
And another important thing we need to remember when we want to make our brand a success is "sharing". You got to sit and think how many time shave you appreciated or shared other s work?. This is very imp because if you have helped someone even in a small way he will make sure you also get the same limelight and exposure. They are some people who feel ashamed/jealous to "like" a photograph/video/art made by his friend. He forget s that it s the same feeling that other will have when he shares his work. So stop being a ignorant one and support and survive
Basically when you are starting something don't jump to change the world. Prepare a list of your goals and write down what the first essential step(it s not finding a investor). If possible write a business plan. don't expect me to tell the next step then it wont be a start-up it ll be my company then ha ha. Go one step at a time before rushing into a wall.As you go you will realize there are more avenues/opportunities than what you thought of earlier and your company goes in another direction. Then as you grow it will be easier to finish the actual goal you had set with ease. Just like it happened to me started thinking I want to do movies but ended up realizing ADs pay more than a movie does and it s easier. Making movie is my passion it s a good thing now that I don't have to depend on my movies for survival and concentrate more on what I want. Haven't done that yet but got to go there soon :p.
Anyway this is one days frustration on blog, my humble request please don't spam my timeline lol . See ya hope you dint waste your time. Other who couldn't finish the complete blog here a pointer to you "STICK to your IT JOB". Firstly Start-up needs patience. Secondly you will have to go through lot of no point discussions, worse than my blog , EVERYDAY.
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
I am always on Facebook don't hesitate to shoot me :p FACEBOOK
Lets tweet about this:- Twitter
And one more thing we have already told you about FB we don't like some things
And another important thing we need to remember when we want to make our brand a success is "sharing". You got to sit and think how many time shave you appreciated or shared other s work?. This is very imp because if you have helped someone even in a small way he will make sure you also get the same limelight and exposure. They are some people who feel ashamed/jealous to "like" a photograph/video/art made by his friend. He forget s that it s the same feeling that other will have when he shares his work. So stop being a ignorant one and support and survive
Basically when you are starting something don't jump to change the world. Prepare a list of your goals and write down what the first essential step(it s not finding a investor). If possible write a business plan. don't expect me to tell the next step then it wont be a start-up it ll be my company then ha ha. Go one step at a time before rushing into a wall.As you go you will realize there are more avenues/opportunities than what you thought of earlier and your company goes in another direction. Then as you grow it will be easier to finish the actual goal you had set with ease. Just like it happened to me started thinking I want to do movies but ended up realizing ADs pay more than a movie does and it s easier. Making movie is my passion it s a good thing now that I don't have to depend on my movies for survival and concentrate more on what I want. Haven't done that yet but got to go there soon :p.
Anyway this is one days frustration on blog, my humble request please don't spam my timeline lol . See ya hope you dint waste your time. Other who couldn't finish the complete blog here a pointer to you "STICK to your IT JOB". Firstly Start-up needs patience. Secondly you will have to go through lot of no point discussions, worse than my blog , EVERYDAY.
Our website(leave me a note):- . Sensation Films
I am always on Facebook don't hesitate to shoot me :p FACEBOOK
Lets tweet about this:- Twitter
And one more thing we have already told you about FB we don't like some things
chasing your dreams
Dream big
Prajwal Rai
short films