Crowdfunding and me

"Hi how there is a good chance to be a producer of a film"
"you hardly have cash for afternoon lunch on month ends what film are you going to produce"
"Crowd-funded film"
Crowd-funding is a very great tool in the west and many movies were made with millions being donated by the audience through various portals available like Kick Starter, Indiegogo etc. Audience films have always made a point in all domains and they clicked because it had people who believed backing it which also means the director gets to bring his idea on the big screen. Crowd-funding is a boon to start-ups as we can see many start-ups who got their funding through kick-starter. Fin is a Indian based company which was part of this phenomenon. It went on to be top innovations of the year just because two simple guys from Bangalore had the support of people from around the world. Films came in very slowly as it is not a enterprise and there is no proper set of rules specifically for films.

I came across a Kannada script called as 4443. A script that really made me think why don't I start off with this script and go ahead. So the search began for producers, weirdest conversations happened. One thing is I don't understand why they say whenever I talked a visual effect was they raise their hand above their head "our people don't want this" and then they lower the hand to their waist and say "our people want this so forget about visual, fantasy nonsense and make a love story and two fights 4 songs, 1 item song and my son is the hero". I don't know who took the survey of OUR PEOPLE WANT THIS I was never asked about what I want, I belong to the our people you see.I was frustrated that day day and me and my friend were discussing about crowd-funding. I told him it wont work out as we are not some reputed directors here and all who will fund for our project?
Then I heard the conversation of these two for five minutes and realized how much people are ready to invest here in Bangalore just so that we have some good films. I made up my mind I am ready to fail but I am not ready to regret and say I did not try. I rather embrace failure than regret not trying this has always been my motto and I decided to go by it. 4443 a film beyond the normal gimmicks of titling and story telling. What is the story of a kannada film we can decode it as

*girl says no and boy doesnt stop he tries to impress in various ways
*girl falls in love slowly with a single song of her thinking of something good he did
*both full love another song
*father/brother have a past with the boy and are not happy. time for kill/mass thing
*hero and Heroine father fight out but finally Hero saves girls father/brother from something
*happy ending phew now I can make a movie
*suspense u can add some tragedy to boys father/sister. mother is always there to cry when son comes home :p
seriously!! Okay I am not talking about all the movies here. there are definitely some good movies like recently I watched Mynaa, Lucia, SOLS, 6-5=2 etc.So crowd-funding was my only option. I checked through the crowd-funded movies and could see everyone gave posters, gifts etc to their backers. I was just wondering when you take money from backers why dont you give it back to them than some gifts. Then I did some research and realized it was illegal to give returns for a crowd-funding backers. Hmmm I still want to give back so I thought this might work and started a crowd-funding for my Kannada Feature film 4443 today. It will get funded or not I have made my point and will finish this project just like I thought. I would love to have more interested people in the industry to crowdfund and get back full profits out of it in one form or the other.If you want to be part of this adventure you can scroll down :)
I want to be the producer for this film. more details please
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beautifully shot
crowd funded film
Prajwal Rai