TIME American of the year

I saw the new that EBOLA nurses made it to the face of TIME person of the year and was a little confused at first on how they come in a person category. The sham became clear when i saw the shortlist as Modi was not even in the short list in spite of leading the polls.What can you expect from a magazine which once ran a news saying he was a terrorist and a country where he was taken off the flight list.People like Obama, Putin have made to the list but not Modi. If given a chance they wouldn't have hesitated to put OSAMA on it too if the revenue model worked.US makes a big news of everything except whats happening in their own country as all we know. They are supposed to be doing humanitarian work when they attack other countries with fake reasons and then realize there is nothing and go back destroying hundred of lives in the countries in the process.Oh yeah they are doing humanitarian work. Then why is that they have treaties with those countries to get oil?
PEOPLE GET ANGRY:- yes they do when you run a poll just to increase the ratings of your site and they spam you

our politicians or entrepreneurs done except throwing a few coupons here and there and asking for donations to help people with Ebola. Of coarse they donated a little amount which is hardly their days party fund. Which company may it be Facebook, twitter or anyone who stack up piles of money done anything to do with Ebola?. Everyone who is complaining the Ebola nurses shouldn't be person of the year should be actually thrown into Africa wherever it has affected highest and let us see what they say then if it is "Person/People". Be little sensitive to other things around the world too than attacking other countries, giving big speeches and tracking private data of your own people. I agree even I am not even brave enough to go there and face death face on but at least give the brave hearts some recognition and honor their work. They haven't asked for it but they are giving up their lives so that the world can sleep in peace without worrying about dying the next day with Ebola.

Why am I mixing this person of year with US tactics is simple. nobody hates Ebola nurses but it is a fact that many countries do hate US for calling themselves world leader and stuff. Their call for Ebola leader after so many doctors are working in Africa already. Definitely makes people feel Ebola nurses are given the honor because US said it lead them and everyone wonders why does US wan to publicize everything that even they don't do but get credit for.
First stop doing the following things and let people live their life in your own country and tracking all their personal stuff
US govt trackign ur cars and private info
tracking your phones
Amazing people
Life or death
Person of the year
Prajwal Rai
Senation Films
United States